Mackerel Pâté: A Dose of Vitamin D!

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Originally posted 16 April 2018

Dear lovelies

I’ve lost count of the number of times I have opened the curtains in the morning recently, looked outside and felt disappointed by the scene in front of me. The lack of sunshine has really been getting folk down here in the UK. But this last weekend has been glorious and we have flung open our back door with glee, put our gardening shoes and gloves on and dug, weeded, built, planted and played with renewed fervour! The sunshine and warmth have been wonderful and we have topped up our depleted vitamin D levels.

Mackerel paté in garden 2 DSCN4908

If you read my last blog post you will know that I have been feeling a little bit unwell for a while now and low vitamin D has been a contributory factor. In addition to taking a vitamin D food supplement, which I must say I can feel making a difference now (phew!), I am also looking at ways of increasing levels through my diet.

I have come up with a really quick and delicious recipe using just 4 ingredients. If you like mackerel, which is rich in vitamin D as is other fatty fish, you will love my mackerel pâté! This could feed two but if I am very hungry/greedy, I can eat this in one sitting! You could also make double the quantity so there is plenty to go round and I think it would make a fab dinner party starter too.

Mackerel pâté Ingredients:

Mackerel paté ingredients DSCN4893

150g smoked mackerel fillets. I use honey and soy hot smoked mackerel fillets which are so tasty but normal smoked mackerel fillets will do.

2 tbsp sour cream (low fat versions work well too)

Juice of half a lemon

2 spring onions finely chopped or a large handful of chopped chives. I use chives and a slice of lemon to decorate.


Remove the skins from the fillets and flake the flesh into a bowl. Mash with the back of a fork.

Add the sour cream, lemon juice and spring onions or chives.

Mix all the ingredients together.

You could add a sprinkle of ground black pepper if you fancy.

Enjoy piled onto crackers or wholemeal toast!

Mackerel paté in garden 1 DSCN4901

I am yet to try this recipe using other fish, but it may work quite well with tinned salmon. I’ll report back!

Mackerel paté in garden 3 DSCN4903

Well here in Lucylu Dreamsville, the kids and my hubby are back at school and work and so I will spending some time at the beginning of this week tidying, sorting and planning.

I’ll be back here very soon my lovelies. Lots of love and sunshine!

Lucy xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

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